Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Chapter Eleven

Darcy Tucker

"Um, hi, my name is Darcy."  Stupid, stupid, stupid! How did I let Tiffy talk me into this? My heart slammed against my ribs so loudly I was sure this attractive stranger could hear it. Attractive, heck, he was the most amazing looking man I'd ever seen. And I wasn't blind.

The man smiled up at me, a million dollar smile, his eyes lighting with humor and something more. Something I didn't understand.

"Darcy?" He inquired, humor tickling the sultry tones of his voice. He had a voice made for black silk sheets and candles. I blushed furiously at the thought. His eyes took a slow stroll over my body; I had to resist the urge not to shiver, before his eyes came back to mine.

"Nice outfit." The corners of his eyes crinkled sexily. Who knew men's eyes could do that? Certainly not me.

"Oh, uh, thank you. It's new." I stammered, looking down at the black dress and mustard yellow tights. I still thought I looked stupid, but hey, if he liked it I might have to adjust my thinking.

"Would you like to join me, Darcy?" His voice, smooth as honey, wrapped around my brain, muddled it. I couldn't think. I couldn't speak. Before I knew it I was nodding stupidly and moving into the vacant chair beside him.

"Um..I'm sorry, but, who are you?" I shook my head, trying to clear the haze that was infecting my brain. What was wrong with me? Sure I was a shy person, but I'd never had this much trouble talking to someone. Of course, the people I usually talked to didn't walk right off the cover of GQ. I was certain Tiffy had been wrong. She'd set this up. It all made sense now.

"Are you a friend of Tiffy's?"

"Tiffy? No. Can't say I know a Tiffy." He leaned close, taking my hand in his. I marveled at the feel of it. Rough, working hands. His fingers slid along my palms, to the delicate skin of my wrist. "I'm Dane."

My heart was definitely pulling overtime. I didn't know if I would survive this encounter. I forced myself to swallow, then politely pulled my hand from his and reached for the glass of water. I gulped it down.
"Am I making you nervous, Darcy?" His blue eyes were full of mischief and promise.

"I..Uh..I just don't know who you are. I'm a little confused." My hand fluttered a little as I pressed it to my chest, willing my heart to slow. I was getting light headed. How did Tiffy and Evie do this? Even Rae could talk to men. And here I was about to pass out from a few sentences. I should have joined a convent.

"What kind of game are you playing?"He muttered, waving off the waiter starting our way. He ran his finger tips along the stem of his water glass. A slow, seductive dance. My eyes were drawn to them. Up, down, up, down. My body trembled as I imagined those fingers on me.

"Oh!" I cried as I fumbled my glass. Water spilled over the table cloth, tinkling onto the floor. "I'm so sorry!" I cried, jumping up and grabbing napkins, dabbing hastily at the floor.

I stopped when his hand came around my wrist, pulling me up. He was taller than me, but I liked that. His hair was a mass of inky black, curling slightly. Some piece of me itched to run my fingers through it.

"Let's take a walk?"

My head bobbed at his suggestion, offering no resistance as he pulled me from the restaurant. I felt as if I were floating. The brightness of the afternoon brought me out of my stupor. I shook my head, once more trying to clear the haze. The sounds of the city helped some.

"Wait, wait!" I dug my heels in and stopped, lurched forward slightly as he pulled my arm. I tugged my hand away, wondered at the moment of regret, and stared him down.

"Just who the heck do you think you are? What did you do? Hypnotize me so you could take me home ....things to me? Well, here's news for you buster! I'm not that kind of girl!" I slapped my hand against his chest and shoved my way past him. I'd made it two steps before his hand was around my waist and he was easily pulling me into an ally.

"Just what the hell kind of game are you playing?" His eyes were hard as he looked down at me. His hands gripped my arms as he shook me. "What the hell?"

I whimpered my heart racing in panic as I tried to pry his fingers from me. My eyes darted to the street, to the people milling around. Would I be able to scream? Would anyone help me? I fought back tears as I kept my eyes on his, ready and willing to give him a swift kick.

"Why do you keep asking me about a game? I have no idea what you're talking about and don't use that kind of language around me!" I slapped my hand against his chest, hoping my bravado would save me.

Then he smiled, the quick little boy grin, and my brain went to mush again. Then his lips were upon mine. Testing, teasing. His hands were light on my waist, pulling me closer as he took the kiss deeper. I went with him, what choice did I have? My brain exploded as the taste of him washed over me. My arms wrapped around his neck as a sigh escaped.

My whole body tingled. I felt the rough brick of the wall bite into my back as he pushed me against it. The feel of his hands along my sides. The feel of him. I moaned softly as he pulled back, his eyes on mine, a smile on his lips.

"Oh my stars." I whispered. Pressing a hand to my quivering belly I looked up at him, a small smile curving my lips. "Now who's playing games."

His smile bloomed once more, making my heart melt. He lifted a hand and tucked my hair behind my ear. "I'd apologize, but I'd be lying."

I laughed softly, shaking my head. What was I doing? I didn't even know this man, and I'd let him kiss me senseless. Well, Tiffy was always telling me I needed to loosen up. What better way to do so than with someone like him?

"Darcy," He whispered, the humor back in his voice, "I'd like to take you out sometime. Officially. Maybe to a movie, this weekend?"

I stared up at him, then quickly dug into my purse and grabbed a pen and paper. Who was I to deny Destiny when she slapped you in the face? I scribbled down my number and shoved the paper in his hand before I could forget.

"I would love to." I giggled, then slipped past him, afraid that I would change my mind if I stayed too long. I stopped at the street and looked back.

"I hope to see you again soon, Dane."

"Oh, you will." His grin held enough promise that my insides melted. I giggled once more, then spun around and skipped down the street. I ducked into the restaurant, but didn't see Tiffy. She must have gone home. I thanked the hostess, then ran down the street, my shoes slapping against the sidewalk. My face hurt from smiling, but I couldn't wait to tell the girls what I'd done.

Chapter Nine

Evelyn Malkin
It'd been a few days since Darcy's meltdown. Thank god. I was so sick of her routine like she was the only one who had feelings. Just because I didn't go around disinfecting my life and wearing my emotions on the hem of my skirt didn't mean I didn't care. I passed by that degree every day just like the rest of them. I fought my way out of the closet, digging through high heels and blue jeans. It was mid October, and chilly outside, especially sneaking out of apartments at five in the morning.
 I looked at myself in the mirror and realized that I was near tears. I could not cry; it would smudge my eye makeup. Then I'd be late to Badge's. He owed me a shot of whiskey for helping him with the inventory. What I really needed was a good fuck. That would get my mind off Isabella; well, that and a few shots of Jack. There were the tears again, burning my eyes as I fought to keep them at bay, "I hate you, Darcy Tucker," I yelled from the bathroom.
 I could hear her down there, running the vacuum. She'd probably start ironing the dust rags when she was done. And I wasn't going to make her life easy. After the way she exploded at us she deserved a little hell. She thought she was the gatekeeper of our emotions, that she could control how we dealt with the grief of Isabella's death. Well, then she could just rot down there, elbow deep in Pine-Sol and bleach cleaner. God, I hoped she got chemical pneumonia or something. Bitch.
I slipped my credit card and some cash in my bra and took one final look in the mirror. The dark wash jeans Tiffy helped me pick out fit my body perfectly. Knee high boots, white blouse, and hair down, I thought I looked great. Of course I did; Evie always looks great. Before I slipped out the door, I scribbled a note on the Post-It pad; Darcy, stop making messes or we'll have to evict you. Hate your guts. E. Then I swiped my arm across the kitchen counter and watched with absolute satisfaction as paper towels, perfectly folded linen napkins, and a tray of polished silver clattered to the floor.

I took my seat at the bar and handed my coat and scarf to Frank, the bartender, and waited for my usual drink. I'd just taken the first sip, enjoying the slow burn as I breathed in the taste of the whiskey, when the DJ flipped that song onto the sound system. Why the hell would they play ABBA at Badge's? You can dance, you can jive, having the time of your life, see that girl, watch that scene, dig in the dancing queen. I swallowed what was left in my shot glass.
Long nights on sorority row were filled with karaoke to ABBA and every other woman's anthem you could imagine. This was our favorite. Even stick-in-the-mud Darcy could get into it. The five of us used to stand up, singing this song into our hair brushes, laughing and dancing around the room. I never remembered Isabella smiling so much.
"You ready for karaoke tonight?" a voice sounded behind me, low and sexy. I turned to see him. Part of me wished he hadn't come. After all, who was I if I wasn't the one seducing him? But another part of me was glad to see Detective D. in all his perfection. He wasn't dressed for the bar; more like he'd just come in from a shift at the precinct, minus the sport jacket.
 "I'm always ready." I wiped away thoughts of Isabella and our pasts. Frank put another tumbler of whiskey in front of me. I turned back to my drink and gulped it down. Then I felt him, barely an inch from me, the smell of his cologne overwhelming the taste of the whiskey. How in the hell did cologne taste better than whiskey? I could feel the heat of his body against mine as the heat from the tambourine sounded in the air. All I wanted to do was turn around and lick the man from head to toe.
 "I'll have what she's having," he said to Frank, and took the seat next to me, "we still playing games here or what?"
"What the hell are you talking about?" I asked. I waved to Frank for another and turned toward the stage. That damn DJ and his ABBA addiction. Before the night was through, I'd have to have a talk with Badge about the people he hired. No way should Dancing Queen be heard at Badge's.
"I'm talking about you ignoring me. Are we gonna dance around it forever?" He trailed a forefinger over my arm, enjoying the way my body reacted to his touch. Heat flushed down my chest and up my throat. If I'd been Darcy I probably would have fluttered my hands to my chest in a frail little birdlike manner and batted my eyelashes at him.
The thought of Darcy made me seething angry. "Go fuck yourself," I took both his and my drink from the bar and went up to Badge. I could hear Detective D. roaring with laughter as I sauntered away. Goddamn that man! He didn't take no for an answer and all I wanted to do was say yes. But if I did, that would ruin me. I knew it full well. He'd win, take me home, probably give me the best fucking orgasm of my life, and then I'd want him. That was not Evelyn Malkin. But the feel of his eyes on my backside made my knees tremble.
 "Badge, I think Detective D. wants to sing some karaoke tonight. You put him on the list first." I smiled back at him then threw back one shot glass of whiskey. It burned like fire, stinging my throat and settling in the pit of my stomach. I really didn't need his glass of whiskey but I wasn't giving it back to him. I swallowed it down too and felt the room spin for a few seconds.
 "Oh, Evie," Badge said, rolling his eyes at me.
"It's Raining Men by The Weather Girls," I said, glaring back a Detective D.. He was getting me home in his bed. I had no doubt about that. And since he was the seducer in the equation, the least he could do was suffer a little humiliation for my amusement.
 "Piss on an ant, Evie, he's a goddamn cop. He ain't gonna sing that!" Badge argued, but he scribbled it on the paper anyways and handed it to the DJ.
Detective D.'s eyes never left me as I made my rounds through the bar, saying hi to my past and future lovers. By the time I made it back to the bar, he had a club soda waiting for me.
"Done showing off? I don't know what kind of guys you go home with, but I need more than a couple hours to get my fill," he said nonchalantly, handing me the glass.
"You can have me for one night," I murmured, a sly smile tugging at my lips, "I signed you up for karaoke. You sing the song I picked and you can take me home."  I walked away, completely expecting to win this round of battle. No way was he, the big, strong police man, going to sing It's Raining Men in a bar filled with eighty percent  guys. That was how I'd win.
When Carl came in, I didn't pay much attention to him. A time or two he tried to catch my eye, but that ship had sailed. I tried to remember if it was even worth remembering, but couldn't recall any memory other than wishing he'd taken a little blue pill before I climbed on top of him. That was the only problem with Badge's; it was my favorite place in the city and all my one night stands came from there.
 Ignoring his gaze, I slipped into a front row table where three guys were tossing back buckets of beer like Gatorade on the sidelines. Flirting, I took a seat on the hot guy's lap and smiled back at Detective D.. This guy was not Detective Dane Fisher at all, but he would have been my type before the good detective blew into my life. I laughed at a joke that wasn't funny and sipped the club soda as Badge introduced the start of karaoke.
Suave and casual, Detective D. strutted up to the stage and took the mic in hand. He glanced down at me, eyes smoldering with a dark broodiness I expected came naturally to him. The music started, and he rolled his eyes at me. That perfect square jaw clenched when the words popped up on screen. Then he gave me an evil smile like he was saying I was going to pay dearly for this when he got me alone and naked. Damn. That was hot.
Watching the performance, enjoying the sight of him trying to sing the gayest women's anthem ever, Carl made his way to the table. The guy with his arms around my waist laughed, but when Carl grabbed my wrist the guy let go of me, and hoisted me out of his lap like he was offering me up to the dance gods. Carl didn't want to dance. What he wanted was me to go back home with him. That wasn't happening. I yanked my hand away from him, and before I could make a move to go around him, he pulled my face into his sloppy kiss.
"What the fuck?" Detective D. screamed at the mic. I heard it drop to the stage, the sound amplified through the speakers. Then Carl was gone. I opened my eyes and flexed my hand. The wrist was sore but not as sore as Carl's face was going to be when he sobered up. Detective D. stood over him like pit bull on a cat.
 "I think she said no," Detective D. growled at him, obviously resisting the urge to kick him in the nuts.
"Fuck off, dude. Evie never says no, do you baby?" he smiled up at me, then sobered enough to put a protective hand over the family jewels.
"Get the hell out of here or I'm gonna have some of my CPD buddies let you spend a few days in the drunk tank." Those words spat at the pitiful man on the floor, Detective D. took me by the hand and led me to the bar, practically yanking me across the floor and through gaping stares. Frank had my coat and scarf in hand.
 "What are you doing?" I pouted. Badge's was just getting good. The brisk night air burned my lungs when we stepped outside, people passing us on the street, wondering if they should be concerned or not paying attention at all. Hell, even I was worried if I should be concerned. His body was seething with anger. When we made it to his car, he stopped at the passenger side and turned on me.
"Why do you do this?" he asked, almost yelling at me.
"Do what?" A flash of Isabella burst across my thoughts.
"Fuck them? That guy is a sick bastard and you just give yourself to him like he deserves you." He didn't move his eyes from mine as he spoke, the silver streak of moonlight making panic overwhelm his pupils.
"I don't give myself to anyone. I like sex. I enjoy it. So if I want to fuck around with a bunch of guys I don't care who thinks I'm a slut. This is Evelyn Malkin. Take it or leave it. I could give a fuck-less what you or anyone else thinks." I was going to turn and leave, feeling insulted and hurt for the first time in my life at the hands of a man. How could he make me feel so cheap, I wondered like it mattered.
But then he crushed me against the car, pressing me against the cold glass on the passenger side, and slid his body up mine. When his mouth came over mine, the taste of club soda on his tongue, the feel of his stubble against my chin, those hands grasping my hips, I could do nothing to resist him.
"If you choose to go home with me tonight, you can only have me. I can make you happy and we don't have to call it anything but fucking if that'll make you happy." He growled, voice deep against my neck as he kissed me.

I heard someone mutter at us to get a room, but my heart was pounding too wildly for me to shout at them to pull their bottom lip over their head and take a flying leap off the nearest subway.
 "And if I say no?" I breathed against him, feeling lightheaded from his touch.
"Then I take you back to your place and we start this dance all over again the next time you're at Badge's and I catch some filthy creep trying to feel you up." He pressed harder against me and I knew there was no way I could deny this man anything, even as much as the real Evie was screaming at me to knee him in the crotch and laugh as I walked away.
 It didn't take me long to weigh the options. I could go back to his place and get the best lay of my life, or go back to Badge's and spend the night picking through one loser or another, comparing them all to Detective D. The choice was simple.
"You be bad cop. I'll be the perp," I growled back at him.
"Role play. I can do that, Evie." He kissed me again, then opened the car door and watched me climb inside.

Chapter Eight

Rae Hansen

Fucking Darcy, Making us all feel like shit for forgetting what the significance of Oct. 13th is; like any of us could forget. I slammed my door shut behind me and stalked over to my dresser yanking out drawers and slamming them shut till I found my boxing shorts and a tank top.

She thinks she is the only one that misses her, she was the best part of us and now she’s gone. Just because we mourn in our own ways Darcy thinks we don‘t remember what that day had meant for us all. I yanked off my flannel pants and worn Blackhawk’s t-shirt and threw them in the corner where there was already a steaming pile of clothes; the odor seeming to float in a cloud just above where they lay. I pulled on a sports bra and my boxing gear as fast as I could.

Well I had my way of coping and that was to beat the shit out of someone or something; and if I didn’t want to end up punching Darcy’s face in I better get to the gym. Justin was into amateur boxing and his trainer let me come in and use the facility whenever I needed to. I have never needed to beat the shit out of a punching bag so bad in my life. I plopped down on the bed pulling on my socks and Nikes, tying them tighter than necessary letting the anger and sadness flow through my fingers. I could feel it in my body, the grief was so overwhelming; squeezing at my heart and sending beads of pain coursing through my limbs.

I pushed all thoughts of Isabella and today from my mind as I stood to leave, I had to save all the painful memories till I got to the gym or I would explode onto whoever was near me at the time. I grabbed my bag and my iPod sticking the buds in my ears as I hurried to the street, the sound of Metallica pounding in my ears so loud that I couldn’t think, perfect. I jogged the six blocks to JABB boxing gym, hoping that the exertion would push those beads of pain back to my heart to be contained.

Justin was waiting for me when I got there with a knowing look on his face. “I saved the bag over in the corner for you, thought you might like it better if you could be away from everyone else today.” He slid his arm around my shoulder and squeezed before dropping it quickly back to his side. He knew that too much affection would just send me over the edge into the emotional blackness that had consumed me last year at this time. He’d been there to witness my breakdown and was the one that suggested that I take up boxing as a way to get out everything I was so good at holding in.

“Thanks, Darcy was all over us this morning like she is trying to protect Isabella or something. Sometimes I think she doesn’t even get that she is dead, she acts like she is gonna come back someday,” I told him as I dropped my bag to the floor and retrieved my gloves and let Justin help me secure them on my hands.

“Well; listen, I have a sparring match right now, but I’ll just be over there,” he pointed to the ring on the raised level of the gym, “if you need me.” I glanced up to where he’d pointed and my jaw fell open. Standing in the middle of the ring was the most gorgeous hunk of man I had ever seen. Sweat glistening off his skin and his muscles flexing as he punched the hand bags his trainer was holding. I looked away before I could take in any more of his perfection. The last thing I needed right now was to get the hots for some guy. Things with Evan were complicated enough as it was.

Justin patted me on the back before he jogged up the steps and hopped effortlessly into the ring with Mr. Prefect. I turned my attention back to the reason I had come today. I took a deep breath settling back into position. With out warning my right fist exploded into the bag sending it ricocheting away. It seemed to float in slow motion back to me before abruptly careening away again when my left jab grazed it’s surface. I could feel the power flowing through my body, not just from the force of my blows but the power of her memory.
Isabella, the one who could help others. We lost the best part of us that day, none of us could do what she did, she helped people. People the world saw as unfixable. She gave everything she had to helping them get better and it cost her. I hit the bag with another right before spinning and feeling my foot connect with the bag sending reverberations throughout my entire body.

Isabella was the best part of us and without her we were free to be who we wanted when we wanted. Smack, my left fist connected again.

She always tried to reign us in; for our own good of course. She said she had too much trouble concentrating on her work; her patients, when we were always on her mind so she kept trying to distance herself from us.

Thud, my foot pounded into the bag.

She kept trying to let us go but none of us could live without her, or so we thought. Swoosh the bag sailed past my head as I ducked out of the way spinning around and connecting with the back of my arm. But here we are and she’s gone. She stopped fighting that day and we’d all lost our best friend.
I continued pummeling the bag with my entire body till I felt on the verge of collapse. I staggered backwards and fell back onto the bench grabbing my water bottle; tilting my head back with my mouth open I squeezed the bottle and let the cool water pour over my face and into my mouth.

I pulled my towel from my bag and sopped up the dripping water from my face continuing down my neck removing the sweat from my body. I dropped my shoulders and rested my elbows on my knees staring at the floor. No, I didn’t miss her any less, but I let the pure pain leave my body with each blow I had delivered. My muscles felt like jello and I was finally relaxed and ready to face the rest of the day. I was seriously contemplating going back home and taking a nap when I spotted Justin heading my way.

It took me a second to realize that he had a ridiculous grin on his face. He must have won his match and was just excited to tell me. “Hey, do you know that guy I was sparring with?” he asked, genuine curiosity filling his eyes as he slid on to the bench next to me.

“No, believe me, if I had ever seen THAT before, I would remember,” I laughed. It felt good to laugh, even on this sad day.

“Huh, well he seemed to know you. He kept looking at you the entire match; mumbling, wondering what you could possibly have to be so pissed off about that you had to beat the shit out of that bag,” Justin laughed, “after the match he asked me if you were okay, “ he added suddenly looking at me with that same worry in his eyes.

“Well, I have never met him before so why he could be that concerned about a complete stranger is a mystery to me.” I shrugged and started shoving my stuff back into my bag, “maybe he thought I was someone else.”

“Well, he looked really worried, like he wanted to come talk to you; but I told him now might not be the best time,” he looked into my eyes trying to read if he’d done the right thing, “He agreed and said that he would just try to find you at Badge’s later tonight,” furrowing his eyebrows in confusion.

“Badge’s? I don’t go to Badge’s, that is Evie’s hangout,” my brow now furrowing with the same confusion as his. “Did you catch his name?” at least I would have some accurate information about him since he seemed to be misinformed about me.

“Ah, Dane something or other I think,” he cringed knowing I would be mad that he couldn’t remember such basic info as the guys name, “sorry, I was so surprised that I had beat him that I kinda let that slip my mind.”

“Don’t worry about it.” I turned and grabbed my stuff and headed for the exit eager to get a shower and a nap in, I was suddenly very, very tired.

Chapter Seven

Darcy Tucker

I shoved my hair behind my ear, wiping sweat from my brow as I scrubbed at the pristine white tile of the bathroom floor. Soap suds scurried from the sponge as I ruthlessly chased them down. Clean. It had to be clean.

"Fiddlesticks!" I yelped as my index finger slid off the sponge and scrapped against the floor. I popped my finger in my mouth as it began to throb. Tears slid down my cheeks as I threw the sponge into the bucket of water. My breath seemed lodged in my chest, a hot ball of pain. I shoved myself to my feet, my covered sneakers whispering across the floor as I moved out of the bathroom.

I just needed some water. I'd been cleaning all morning, and it was time for a break. I stopped when I came across the diploma. My heart fluttered as I read the words for what seemed the millionth time.

Upon the recommendation of the Faculty, Penn State does hereby confer upon Isabella Woods the degree of Psychiatric Medicine with all the rights, honors and privileges thereunto appertaining.
I ran my finger tip over the glass, tears blurring my vision. Rage filled me as my fingertip left a trail of clean among the dust.

"ARGH!" I shrieked, stamping my foot and running toward the bathroom. I grabbed up the bucket of water, spilling half of it in the process. Sobs wracked my body as I dunked a fresh rag into the water and began to tediously clean the frame.

"" I sobbed, pushing on the glass until my arm ached, until some small part of me feared it would shatter.


I whirled around at the soft voice. Rae, Tiffy and Evie stood staring at me as if I'd gone mad. My chest heaved, my hair was disheveled and my sweatshirt had fallen down over one shoulder. My cheeks were raw from hours of silent tears. I felt the bite of pain as my nails curled into my palms.

"Don't you know what day it is?" I choked out, staring at them in disbelief. How could they be so calm? Standing there in their pajamas, without a care in the world.

"Umm, Tuesday?" Evie muttered, shaking her head and making a move to step around me.
"You just shut your mouth, Evelyn Malkin! It's October 13th, thank you! And you'll have a care to remember!" My body shook with the force of my fury. I barely noticed Tiffy's chuckle, the slight widening of Evie's eyes.

"Darcy, calm down now." Rae's voice was soft, soothing, as if speaking to a wild animal. She stepped slowly toward me, wrapping an arm around my shoulders. "None of us will ever forget this day."
I leaned against her, burying my face in her shoulder as she wrapped her arms around me. Why was it not affecting them? Why were they all so glib?

"She's gone. She's gone." I sobbed.

"Yeah, and she'll be gone same time next year." Evie shook her head, her wild mane of hair shivering with the motion. "It's nothing new. Same shit, different year."

Something inside me broke. I screamed and launched myself at Evie. I took her by surprise, knocking her to the floor and yanking at her hair. My squeals of pain echoed off the ceiling as I yanked and scratched.
"Ow! Damn! Fuck! Someone get her off me before I kill her!"

Tiffy and Rae hurried forward, each one grabbing my arms and yanking me off. I kicked and sputtered my vision red as I fought to tear at Evie.

"Little bitch." She muttered, wiping away a thin trail of blood from her lip. Her eyes were hard as she squatted down in front of me. "Listen up, and listen good. Not one of us here will ever forget the day Isabella died. She was the best of us by far. So don't go getting your starched panties in a wad because you think you're the only one who cares. It ain't fucking true."

I sobbed as she stood and walked away, flinching when I heard her door slam shut. Her words hit me like a slap in the face. I swiped at tears as I tried to control myself.

"Like...Who ordered the drama for breakfast?"

I shook my head, unable to stop the smile that came at Tiffy's words. I pulled myself to my feet. I felt better, somehow clean. I adjusted my shirt, pushed my hair back behind my ears and turned to Rae and Tiffy.

"Who's hungry?"

Friday, September 18, 2009

Chapter Five


Evelyn Malkin

I pulled myself out of bed, hardly able to open my eyes at all. Did I really have that much to drink the night before? If it wasn't for the feel of silk sheets against my naked body I wouldn't have realized I was home. When was the last time I'd left Badge's without a man to take me back to his place? I couldn't remember and didn't want to remember. I wasn't even sure if I'd gone to Badge's. What the hell did I drink the night before?

I sat up in bed and ground my palms against my eyes, hoping to shake the fog from my brain. The night before came back in still flashes. The girls all came together over drinks. Tiffy smuggled a bottle of Cristal from one of her prep school boyfriends and popped the top in the kitchen, going on and on about her credit cards being denied right in front of her life-size-Barbie friends. It must have been a night of complaining because Rae was pissed off about something going on with her boyfriend; well, I guess he isn't her boyfriend but she was at least getting her some action. I was proud of her for that. Of course she'd stuck with some imported beer she'd found, then switched to shots of Jack or Jim when I broke out my stash. Then there was Darcy, Ms. Prim and Proper, who kept telling us we were drinking to excess as she sipped her Fiji water. 

The only damn reason anyone drinks the stuff is the shape of the bottle, like a rectangular bottle somehow made them impressive. Jerks. 

I remembered telling her I was going to bed with my toys. I told them it was time for me to break Spam out of my drawer and see if I still had what it takes to get me off.

"Spam that you eat? Jesus Christ, Evie, you're even kinkier than I thought!" Tiffy squealed, tucking her knees under her chin as she tried focusing on the television. Of course it was one of those dumb reality shows on MTV that had her attention.

"What planet are you from? We've all heard Evie talking about her toys. That's what she named the purple one." Rae tried to stand but fell back against the wall and laughed at her own drunkenness.

"Oh," Tiffy said, half paying attention, "so why'd ya name it Spam? That's a dumb name." 

"Because it's fake meat. What else do you name fake meat?" I winked at her, grabbed the last bottle of Jack Daniels and stumbled my way to my room. 

That was all I remember of last night. I stood up and pulled a pair of panties from the drawer. No Spam in there. I checked the sheets and didn't find it there either.

"Damn you Darcy!" I shouted, hoping she could hear me in her disinfected bedroom. Sometimes she could step over the line so far I wanted to smack her right out of her cashmere cardigans. Braless, not caring who was awake or who might have guests over, I stormed out of my bedroom and into the kitchen. I flung the dishwasher open and peered inside. Just as I'd thought. My purple Spam was on the top rack, along with Darcy's infamous yellow rubber gloves.

I pulled Spam out of the dishwasher and checked for any damage. Everything still seemed to be intact. If there was anything wrong with Spam when I tested him out later, I'd kill Darcy for it. Purple Spam in hand, I opened the fridge to find someone had gone shopping. Must have been Darcy. The other two girls probably had no idea what was even in a grocery store. I reached for an apple and one of the bottled waters. The girls had all submitted their articles for various magazines. We always kept a hardcopy in the binders. It was probably the only thing we could agree on. Spam on the table, apple in hand, I opened the binder to the last few pages and scanned through them.

It surprised the hell out of me that Tiffy could write complete sentences when I first met her. The girl was not firing on all cylinders. Somewhere along the line she'd got the warped idea that men wanted a girl in dental floss and stilettos with cotton candy in their brains. I had no problem dressing down for a guy, but I didn't dumb myself to zero. But looking at her articles, you'd think she graduated from Yale. The chick could put a story together like a genius. Usually it was fluff pieces about fashion or some horror story about another failed relationship with her credit card companies. 

I flipped the pages again and found Darcy's last article. Boring. She could write, but Jesus Christ, did her sterile little life transfer over to her writings? Ten Ways to Survive Sloppy Roommates. I shook my Spam at the article and thought better about screaming. Only crazy people scream to themselves and it was obvious the house was empty. 

Rae's newest project was some travel magazine from her last trip to god knows where. It was brilliantly written, but what chick wants to spend her time hanging with the guys instead of fucking them? Didn't make sense to me. Probably why I always bullied her a bit.

I closed the binder and finished my apple. I needed to print out my articles too. I'd submitted them, right? That glossy white paper on the front of the binder glared back at me, sunlight hitting it just so. Black embossed letters spelled out her name and I ran my fingertips over each one. Isabella Woods. God, how I missed her. We had two things to remember her by; the binder that was our sort of homage to her, and the degree that hung on the wall in the dining room. Memories of that day came flooding back to me, making my eyes water as I remembered. Poor Isabella. She was the only one of us who was actually talented enough to help people. Prada versus Gucci did little to enhance the world. Spain versus Australia was exciting, but still nothing compared to what Isabella could do. Even my own life felt paltry in comparison to what she'd done.
Brushing the painful memories away, I decided to shower and get ready for the day. I promised Badge I'd help him do inventory. I had a feeling he was trying to play matchmaker; and I liked the idea of being stuck in the stock room with Detective D.
How in the hell did Tiffy fit into those jeans? I thought we were the same size but I couldn't breathe every time I took a step forward. Still, they were the best jeans to show off my ass. The blue sweater was mine, falling into a seductive cut of cleavage I was more than happy to show off. When Badge left me alone in the stockroom, I knew it was only a matter of time before Detective D. showed up. At least, that's how the fantasy in my mind played it out.

I pulled a crate of whiskeys from the back shelf and ran through the list on the clipboard. All accounted for.
"You've been hiding from Badge's for a few weeks. You wouldn't be hiding from me, would you?" His voice resonated through the small space, dancing on the scent of his cologne. Instantly my body reacted to him, my mind racing with witty comebacks.

"I hide from no one. Believe it or not, my life isn't all about karaoke and Jack Daniels," I hoisted the crate back up to the shelf and moved on to the next one. He came forward, his long arms stretching on either side of me as he pulled the crate down. I could feel him pressed against me, the heat of his breath on my neck, could hear the way he inhaled as his chin slid through my hair.

"I'm pretty sure I can do this myself," I said with a bit of venom on my tongue. I didn't want him to leave, but he didn't have to know that.

"Evie, the moment you stop playing these games, we can start some games of our own," he growled. He sat the crate down on the table and turned me around in a single motion, his fingertips powerful yet somehow gentle at the same time. Long fingers tickled down my arms, stopping at my waist so he could pull me tight against him.

If he kept this up, I wouldn't be able to resist him. Damn it! I wanted to seduce him. No one seduced Evelyn Malkin.

"Only Badge calls me Evie. My name is Evelyn." It was a little white lie but I didn't want him to think he'd picked up any ground with me. 

"Only you call me Detective D.." He laughed, the smell of Aquafresh still lingering on his tongue as he swept the tip across my bottom lip. When he walked away, I knew the next time I saw him, it'd be too fucking difficult to say no. If he kissed me like that again, I wouldn't care who seduced who. All I wanted was to rip his shirt off, climb on top, and give him the best performance of my life

Chapter Four


Rae Hansen


I should be happy, I thought to myself, I’d been gone for two weeks, I should be eager to catch up with my roommates, to sleep in a bed after spending so many nights on the hard, sometimes wet, floor of the forest. I shoved my key in the lock and kicked the door open with my mud caked hiking boot, leaving a distinct smudge on the white surface. I took a deep breath as I entered; shrugging off my pack letting it fall heavily to the hardwood floor with a resounding thud, hard enough to loosen the weeks worth of mud clinging to the yellow nylon and send it cascading to the floor, scattering clear to the edge of the kitchen. 

I cringed, only because I could hear Evie’s parting words as I’d left for a camping trip with my friends, “You know Rae, if we’d wanted to live in filth we would have asked a guy to move in with us, how can you be so disgusting?” She’d been the only one brave enough to stand up to me though I knew Tiffy and Darcy felt the same way. I had taken the higher road and instead of getting right up in her face I just picked up my stuff and left, without a word. I am sure that left them shocked since I usually have no problem putting them all in their place. I was trying to keep the peace, lately it seemed like our very different personalities were getting harder and harder to live with. I figured some time with me away would do some good.

I took a deep breath and picked up my pack, I’d worry about the mess later, and headed for my room. The place looked spotless, guess that meant that they’d chucked all my stuff into my room. I was already fuming before I could read the note tacked to my door. I had to squeeze my eyes shut to dispel the red so I could see clearly. Rae, we are all tired of tripping over you stuff, I almost killed myself on your skates, please be considerate of the rest of us and keep all your sports gear in your room please, Darcy.

Of course Darcy would be the one to leave the note, they probably asked her to do it because they knew I would never take it out on little miss perfect. She was just to damn nice to yell at, I felt like I was slaughtering my little pony every time I had yelled at her. I just couldn’t do it.

I pushed the door to my room open and just as I’d suspected all my things that had been scattered around the town home were now piled on my bed. “Evie” her name hissing from my lips like an expletive. Darcy would have put everything away for me and Tiffy was to damn scared of me to cross me, As I stood there fuming trying to decide my course of action I glanced at the clock. Evie’s revenge would have to wait, I was suppose to meet the guys for Beers at Harrigan's and I was still caked in mud and smelling like I’d rolled in bear shit.
I grabbed my towel and toiletry bag and headed to the bathroom we all shared. I closed the door and turned to toss my stuff on the counter when I had to pause mid-throw. 

"You have got to be fucking kidding me” I cursed aloud. They bitch about my stuff all day and then don’t even leave me a spot for my stuff among all the curling irons, makeup, lotions and facial cleansers crowding the already small space. I grabbed the trash can in the corner and with one swipe I had it all inside and was throwing the can back in the corner. I don’t know why they think they need all that crap to attract a guy. It was ridiculous.

Sure most guys want their chick to look hot, but being two high maintenance as my roommates were would always push the guy away eventually. I stepped into the shower and turned the water on as hot as it would go. Guys wanted girls who could have fun with them, go hiking without needing a shower every day, be able to look good without ten pounds of makeup covering you up, a girl they didn’t have to wait hours on just so she could be perfect, a girl like me. “yeah, so then why are you still single, huh?” Evie’s condescending voice rang in my ears. 

“I am perfectly happy with the way things are. I don’t need a guy to be satisfied with life like you do.” I snapped back at the voice in my head.

Evie‘s voice lowered and grew thick with accusation, “If you don’t need a guy then why are you in Evan’s bed every weekend? I know you think he want’s to be with you, but you’re just his booty call, his friend with benefits, he doesn’t want a relationship with you or you’d be in one by now.” I could see her smirking now. Oh how I wish she were her so I could knock it right off her face.

“This arrangement wasn’t Evan’s idea, it was mine. I’ve got needs too ya know. And what business of yours is it anyway, back off.” I stuck my head in the water to try and drown out the voices. I was hearing Evie in my head a lot lately and I couldn’t figure out why. Maybe it’s because she was the only one that knew exactly how to get to me. 

I shook my head as I stepped out of the shower and dried off. I dragged my brush through my snarled hair until it finally smoothed out into the long blond tresses I loved. It was the one thing about me that sang out my femininity and I liked that, it was simple. Grabbing my stuff I loped back to my room to get ready for a night out, Rae style.

As I entered the bar I took a deep breath letting all the familiar odors take over my senses. Ever since the guys and I found Harrigan's it had become our home away from home. It didn’t matter that it was clear across town and I had to allow an hour to get here, it was worth it. The dark paneled walls covered with pictures of Ireland. The smell of the ale and wood mixed to give an unbelievably inviting scent. The lilting voices of Shawn and his brothers Jack and Liam, who’d come over from Ireland together and opened this bar that reminded them of their families back home. I felt more comfortable here then at home with the girls. I could be me here.

I paused to push the long sleeves of my dark blue cotton shirt up and looked around the room for the guys. I saw that nearly every pair of male eyes in the place were staring at me, simple me with the cotton shirt, jeans, and a pair of Nikes. I had let my hair air dry so it had a natural wave to it and I had simply pulled it back into a loose ponytail at the nape of my neck. Yet I could see that I was the object of desire in those eyes. If only the girls could see how little it took to get the attention of men; but they always refused my offers of going out with us. I smiled as I spotted Evan and the rest of the guys in the back corner of the bar.

Suddenly I felt a sharp slap on my ass. Without hesitation I grabbed the offending arm twisting it around as I turned my body to face the wide eyes of a now scared looking college boy as my fist connected with his nose in one fluid motion. Blood immediately stained my knuckles and his now stunned face. I didn’t think I’d hit him that hard, opps. 

“Gesh, Rae. Back for one day and your already beating the crap out of my customers, give the kid a break.” Shawn said shaking his head as he gave the kid a towel to sop up the blood. All three boys looked extremely shocked at how fast I had disabled their friend. “stick around guys, the next ones on me.” Shawn automatically retorted, trying to keep their business.

“Sorry Shawn, but these little punk asses need to learn to keep their hands to themselves.” I shrugged as I started back to my table. The guys were still laughing when I got there.

“Damn that was hot!” shouted the only face at the table that I didn’t recognize. He had the same sloping nose and wide set eyes, with the same humor emanating from them. This had to be Evan’s little brother who was staying with him for his spring break. “That was hot, Evan you didn’t tell me your girlfriend was so kick ass!”
“She’s/I’m not my/his girlfriend,” we both responded at the same time. Everyone laughed a bit as I slid into the booth next to Justin. “Rae this is my brother Paul. Paul this is the one and only Rae Hansen.” Evan said eyeing me with a curious expression that I couldn’t quite understand the reasoning behind. It’s not like he hadn’t seen me beat up some guy for trying to treat me like a piece of meat before. I’d have to ask him what that was all about later. Paul’s voice broke into my thoughts forcing me to focus back on the others.

“Justin and Rob were just telling me all about how they caught you and Evan skinny dipping in the lake this weekend.” I could hear a hint of scandal in his voice; the edge revealing that he thought there was more to the story then he’d been lead to believe. 

“Oh, and what exactly did they say?” the annoyance at being talked about while not around obvious in my tone. 

“Just that they woke up to the sound of splashing and went to investigate finding you two naked in the lake together. They were just speculating on how you ended up there, beings that you weren’t very forthcoming with information at the time.” he was obviously prodding trying to provoke us into telling the rest of the story.
“so what were their theories?” I asked, not ready to give up information that Evan and I had tried so hard to keep secret.

“Well, Justin here thought that you had stumbled upon a beehive on your early morning hike and had jumped into the water to get away from the bees. But Rob pointed out that that wouldn’t require you to remove all your clothing.” Evan shifted uncomfortably in his seat as Paul continued, “Rob thinks that you two were finally hooking up.” Evan glowered at Rob as I tried to hide the blush that was creeping up my neck.

“Well, it would be about fucking time man. It’s like you two dance around the obvious attraction you feel for each other. It’s getting a little old. I was just hoping that this meant that you two finally hooked up.” Rob rushed to say while looking sideways at Evan’s fuming face.

“Even if we had been hooking up it would have been none of your damn business. When will you all get it through your thick skulls that Rae and I are just friends and will always be just that.” Evan practically yelled it out. He looked out of the corner of his eyes at me. “you gonna say anything Rae?”

Evan and I had worked so hard to keep our little arrangement from becoming public knowledge and now one little slip up this weekend could put all that in jeopardy. We had been so determined that our relationship, or whatever you would call it, wouldn’t change our group in any way and now it could all be ruined if I didn’t come up with an excuse, and fast. “It’s simple, I bet Evan that he couldn’t beat me to the end of the trail, whoever lost had to strip down and take a dip in the ice cold lake. I beat him and true to his word he stripped and jumped in.” I shrugged as if it was as simple as that.

“But that doesn’t explain how you ended up naked and in the water too.” Paul was a little too observant and it was starting to get on my nerves.

“Well, then he told me that it was a good thing I’d won because he knew I’d be to chicken to do it and would have backed out anyway. So of course I had to prove that I wasn’t chicken; so I stripped and jumped in too. Seriously you all need to get a life instead of being so wrapped up in something that isn’t even there.” I scoffed.

The guys shrugged, satisfied with my explanation and moved on to talk of the Hockey trade deadline and who was sure to get traded. They were so involved in their discussion that they missed the silent exchange of I’m sorry’s between Evan and I and they didn’t even notice when I got up and went to the bar. I knew Evan wouldn’t be far behind.

“I am glad you got here when you did Rae, I couldn’t think of a single excuse as to why we were naked in that lake together and I was afraid I was gonna give us away.” He looked deep into my eyes before asking, “ Why don’t we just tell them,” holding his breath on the question.

“Tell them what exactly? That we occasionally sleep together. I don’t think that’s something to tell. It’s not like we’re dating. Besides it will change everything. I won’t be one of the guys anymore. I’ll be Evan’s girl, even though it isn’t like that they will see it that way. I like things the way they are.” I could see the hurt in his eyes.

“Rae, I’ve been thinking, maybe we should give this a try. We are so great together I don’t see why we shouldn’t…” He suddenly looked down at his feet afraid to go on without being sure of my response. Suddenly the look he’d given me at the table become blaringly clear. He thought he’d heard something in my voice when I said I wasn’t his girlfriend, some kind of longing.

And he was right. Fight it as I did, it had come out in that quick statement, the longing to belong to Evan, so why was I fighting it so much. It was now obvious that he felt the same way. Because I couldn’t belong to anyone. I couldn’t let my guard down. It had to be me alone. But why, what was I hiding that I couldn’t let him see. Not even I knew the answer to that.

“Evan, please, don’t ask me that. I can’t. I don’t think I can even explain why right now, but I promise that I will eventually. Just give me time please.” I didn’t know what else to say.

Evan’s answer was to grab his beer off the bar and stalk back to the table. I sighed and grabbed my drink and slinked back too. This was going to be a long night and with Paul staying with Evan I couldn’t even go home with him to try and apologize and make things right.

Chapter Three

Darcy Tucker

Rays of sunlight filtered through the window, kissing my face. Sighing I snuggled back into my fluffy pillows. Some luxuries were more than worth it. Rising from the bed I padded into the kitchen, my white nightdress kissing my ankles.

"Oof!" I cried, wincing in pain. I slapped my hand to my mouth as I lifted my foot off the floor. Looking down I saw the culprit of my injury.

"Rae," I moaned, leaning down to retrieve the forgotten roller blades. "You have your own room for a reason." I muttered, placing the blades by her closed door. Shaking my head I continued into the kitchen. After a miserable search of the fridge I settled on a sorry looking apple and a slice of toast. I suppose I'd have to go to the grocery store again. Honestly, what was the use of having roommates? 

Speaking of roommates, when was the last time I saw them? I thought back. Was Tiffy back from her shopping spree in New York? I thought I'd heard her last night, but now I wasn't sure. Rae was still out backpacking somewhere and God only knew who's bed Evie was waking in. 

Humming softly I shrugged my shoulders and made my way back to my room, munching on my apple. I had to finish my article for Distinguished Home tonight. But first, I needed a shower and to go to the grocery store. I stopped by my bedroom window and looked out. A light wind was swirling leaves and litter in an elegant dance down the street. 

I laughed for no reason, other than I felt like it, and spun in a circle, my long blond hair spinning around me. Dancing to my closet I selected a sweater of navy blue and a white skirt. Laying my choices on the bed I skipped to the shower, ready to begin my day. 

After jotting a note to the ladies to tell them where I would be, if anyone came home long enough to find it, I jogged down the stairs and out into the morning. The crisp Chicago wind snapped color into my cheeks as I strolled down the side walk. I loved walking. Lifting my head I breathed deeply, inhaling the sweet scent of fall. Snuggling deeper into my jacket I trotted along. 

"Whoo! Yeah baby! You can walk by here anytime!" 

I sighed and shook my head at the catcalls. I hated walking past the construction zone. I would be more than pleased when they were finished and had gone home. Heat stung my cheeks, searing my neck. Lowering my head I walked quickly toward the corner store. 

The relative warmth of the store was welcome after being outside. Smoothing my hair I smiled at the bag boy as I grabbed a basket and made my way down the aisles. 

"Let's see...Milk..Eggs...Bread..." I tapped my index finger against my lips as I slowly walked down the aisles, grabbing items seemingly at random. I sighed, wondering when the girls would all be under one roof again. I missed them. 

I missed watching that stupid show with Tiffy, or hearing about Evie's latest conquest, Rae's last adventure. I pouted as I selected a bottle of martini olives. Evie's favorite brand.

After about an hour I had enough essentials to get us through until my next shopping endeavor, and made my way up to the front to check out. 

"Hello, Miss Darcy, how are you today?" 

I smiled up at Mr. Sheppard, a grizzled old man with a heart of gold. He was going a little paunchy in the middle and balding on top, and yet you couldn't help but love the man. He treated everyone like family and I loved him for it. 

"I'm wonderful, Mr. Sheppard. And yourself?" 

"Doing well, doing well. You're roommates return yet?" He asked in his kindly voice as he began to ring up my purchases. 

"Not yet, soon I hope." I smiled at him once more, digging in my purse for my wallet. 

"It's not good for such a lovely young woman as yourself you be alone, Miss Darcy. Streets aren't safe anymore. Let Matthew walk you home, will you? Ease an old man's heart?" 

"Oh, I- Matthew?" I looked up, startled. Mr. Sheppard usually offered to walk me home himself, which I politely declined. I didn't know who William was. I could feel my heart racing, sweat trickling down my back. I gulped, trying to keep my smile in place and terror from my eyes. 

"Matthew!" Mr. Sheppard bellowed, making me jump. "Come here, boy!" He turned his faded blue eyes back to me. "Matthew's my grandson. Fresh out of college and working with me part time while he does his internship for Reynolds and Ryan. My boys out to be a lawyer." 

Mr. Sheppard beamed as a young man stepped up beside him. He was tall, and muscular, and I could feel heat searing my cheeks as I met his deep brown eyes with my own. His brown hair was shaggy, in need of a trim, and his smile stole my breath. 

"Uh..Hello." I squeaked. Hastily I yanked bills from my wallet and shoved them at Mr. Sheppard. 

"Thank you Mr. Sheppard, but I don't need anyone to walk me home. I appreciate it." I began grabbing bags, fumbling. I jumped when a hand came down on my shoulder. 

"There's no way you can carry all this by yourself, allow me to help you." A low rumble vibrated through my skin, turning my insides to mush. I looked up into his eyes and melted. 

"Okay." I sighed, breathlessly.

Matthew smiled at me and lifted the rest of my bags. He walked to the main doors and held them open for me. "After you." 

I walked out the door, more self conscious than ever. I could feel Mr. Sheppard grinning after me and tried not to fall on my face. Closing my eyes I took a deep breath and told myself I could do this. I could talk to a man. I could do this!

"So, you're going to be a lawyer?" 

"Uh, yeah. That's the plan, anyway." Matthew chuckled, looking down at me. At 5'6" I wasn't short, but standing next to Matthew I felt it.

"How tall are you?" I asked stupidly, instantly regretting speaking so out of turn. 

A long low laugh rewarded my question as he turned his eyes back to me. "I'm 6'2". 

We fell into a comfortable silence after that. I couldn't help looking at him. He was quite handsome. He had a strong jaw, and a sweet, honest face. I couldn't picture him as a lawyer. Maybe a doctor that went to Africa to help sick kids, that image seemed to fit him more. 

All too soon we were at the steps of the townhouse. I stopped and looked at him, fishing around in my brain for something to say. 

"Well, this is me." I said awkwardly, pointing to the house behind me.

"Nice place. My grandfather said you had roommates?" He inquired, looking up at the house, a small smile on his face as he set my groceries at my feet. 

"Yeah, we've been together since collage. They're great girls." I blushed as his eyes came back to mine, pinning me to the spot and halting my words. 

"Miss Darcy, would you...Would you like to have dinner with me?" 

I stared up at him, my mouth hanging open in shock. No one had ever asked me out before. I felt a blasted blush start to creep up my neck and fill my cheeks. I opened my mouth to speak but nothing came out. Closing my eyes I took a deep breath and tried again. 

"Matthew, I...I..." I looked into his expectant eyes and decided on a moment. Maybe Evie was rubbing off on me. "Yes. I would like that very much." 

His smile was brighter than the sunlight. 

"I'll pick you up tonight, then?"

I quickly rearranged my schedule in my head. It wasn't everyday a girl got asked out by an attractive man and I wanted to be sure I was ready. I could always do my article tomorrow. 

"Sure, that sounds good." 

"Okay, then! I'll see you tonight!" He leaned in and pressed a kiss to my forehead, shocking me to the spot. 

"Oh...Okay." I called weakly. Watching him jog back down the sidewalk. He was gorgeous from both sides. I blushed furiously at the thought, stooping down to gather the groceries. I felt like as a feather as I made my way upstairs and into the house. 

I dumped the bags on the counter and rushed out of the kitchen excitedly. 

"Rae! Evie!" I cried, looking around. "Tiffy?" I whispered, my excitement dying. The house was quiet. My note where I'd left it. I was home alone. Not wanting to give up, I grabbed the phone and began pushing buttons. 

"You've reached Evelyn Malkin. Please leave a message and I'll get back to you as soon as I can." Evie's voice purred at me, sweet as syrup. I sighed, clicked off the phone, then tried again. 

"Hey! If you wanted Rae Hansen you got her! If I don't know you then please, leave me the hell alone."
Pouting now, I dialed Tiffy's number, praying she'd answer. 

"Ohmygod! You've reached Tiffy Alstott! I'm out, shopping or having drinks with my friends! So like, leave me a message and I'll get backatchya! Later Bitches!"

I sighed and set the phone back down on the counter. I looked around the empty, pristine house. No one was ever home anymore. We were all so busy. Maybe I should get a dog, or a cat. 

Grabbing a bag of Multigrain Sunchips I walked over to the couch and plopped down. I flipped on the TV and started flipping through the channels. 

"Oh! Divine Design is on!" I squealed, snuggling into the couch and munching on chips. They had just gotten started on revamping a living room when my eyes started drooping. I yawned, struggled to keep my eyes open. Giving up, I pulled a blanket over me and fell asleep, dreaming over Matthew.

Chapter One


Evelyn Malkin

I crushed the cigarette in what I thought was an ash tray. As soon as my fingertips pressed against the night table, I knew I'd missed the ash tray. The orange glow of the butt smothered against the wood top. If it'd been my stuff I would have been pissed. But this was another five a.m. at Keith's apartment-or was it Carter-I wasn't sure. That incessant snoring seemed to wake me most mornings, and while I loathed the sound sawing in my ears at five in the morning, I also welcomed it. It gave me the perfect time to slip out of bed, find my clothes (or what was left of them) and skedaddle before the boy toy was awake and wanting a phone number, an address, or worse; breakfast.

The floor creaked when I stepped down. A lot of people make the mistake of taking too long. They inch their way through every noise until twenty minutes have passed and end up getting caught. Not me. I'd shared one too many beds to fall into that old trap. Follow through with your movements, get out of bed, get dressed. Don't waste time waiting to get caught. I pulled my skirt back on and zipped it up the back. The sound seemed to wade on Keith's (Carter's?) consciousness. The blouse on over my head, I slid my heels on as I pulled the shirt down into place.

I wasn't going to leave him a note with some lame excuse about an early morning meeting. No, better if I just cut the ties and the falsehoods. I wasn't coming back and he'd never see me again. Last night was fun, but not fun enough for me to lock myself into a relationship. I thought about taking the pack of smokes but thought better of it. I never smoked unless the cigarettes were there in front of me. One last look around through the darkness, I made sure I had all of what belonged to me, then opened the bedroom door and let myself out of the apartment.

Out on the street, the sun beginning its battle against the moon, I inhaled the morning air deeply, sucking it down into my lungs until they ached for release. It wasn't cold yet but summer's days were numbered. I didn't like winter; much harder to want to sneak out of a man's place when it was below zero outside. A woman in a business suit passed me by, her cell phone attached to her ear. She gave me that disapproving look as she went, like she knew it was my walk of shame or something. Quickly, I grabbed a compact from my purse and checked my reflection.

The eyeliner had crumbled in the crease of my eye and mascara sat on my lashes in clumps. Definitely time to stop for a coffee and a quick cleanup in the ladies room. Besides of which, I needed to get out of those panties. They were still wet. Surely it wasn't my own bodily fluids that had the fabric still damp. Did I remember Keith (Carter?) spilling his beer on the floor when he'd had me undressed?

When I got to my favorite coffee shop, Dawn of the Dead, I waved to Dawn and went straight back to the ladies room. Sure enough, my panties smelled like beer. Thank god, because I did not need another sexual talent to get me into trouble. The only one who'd found the bathroom that morning, I pulled a wad of paper towels from the wall and wet them with cool water. Most of my makeup had stayed in place. It was the eyes that always betrayed me. Once the smoky eye shadow was gone, the mascara clumped away, the liner smudged out of control, I was just your average twenty-eight year old. Even the odd gun-metal gray color of my eyes wasn't so impressive without the makeup. I used the powder in my purse to smooth the complexion once again. With a comb and a little luck, I managed to pull my hair down and practically cover the signs of my all-nighter.

When I'd done all I could do in the bathroom, I went back out to the shop. Dawn had my regular waiting for me at my usual seat at the counter. "So who was it this time?" she asked, her voice raspy like a smoker although she swore she'd never touched one in her life.

"I think his name was Keith, or maybe Carter. He was a big talker but didn't deliver." I swirled the black coffee and watched the steam rise. Dawn made the best black coffee in the city, with just a hint of sweet pineapple taste. Sounds kooky, but was the best two bucks of my day.

"Evie, one day all these men are gonna catch up to ya. What'll you do then?" She had another customer to focus on and left me to ponder the possibilities.

Why was it so wrong for a woman to enjoy sex? All week I worked and took care of life but on the weekends I was karaoke queen at Badge's Bar. I was the life of the party. Every Friday and Saturday night, and sometimes on Wednesday, I could go into that bar and be a celebrity. The guys practically lined up out the door for a chance to take me home. My reputation, although not saintly, was fun. And if there was anything I'd learned in my life, it was that you had to take fun when the opportunity arose or else you'd be some unhappy housewife for the rest of your life. No sir, that was not me. I had no desire to have a husband or children. I was perfectly happy going to work, coming home, getting dressed up, and stalking Badge's for my next good time.

"What happens when you meet Mr. Right and he finds out that your Pikachu has no boundaries? Then you'll start moping around in here, scaring away all my real customers," she slid a saucer to me with a cellophane strangled muffin.

"Uh, if I meet Mr. Right he'll be a plastic surgeon with nymphomaniac tendencies. Neither of us will want kids because we'll be too busy fucking each other to want some brats running around the house. He'll love me for the sex crazed loon that I am or he can be just another one night stand," I said, my voice seeming a little too loud as the door to the shop opened.

In walked a man who looked like he knew how to have a good time. He was tall, with square shoulders and matching jaw. His face was so angular I wondered if it'd been chiseled from stone. Even those terrible fluorescent lights of the coffee shop could not blemish his honey colored skin. The black, standard issue t-shirt he wore announced the police department. Any other man that wore it I might have thought just had found a novelty t-shirt, but this man had the swagger in his walk, that look in his eyes, the gun holstered under his arm.

"Morning, Dawn," he said in a gravelly voice that seemed to vibrate from my toes to my hips. He didn't take his eyes off of me. "I'm not a plastic surgeon but I do have a quality pair of handcuffs."

He'd heard my diatribe from the doorway. Great. All four customers at the shop must have heard me as well. Not that I really cared what anyone thought, but that kinda of carelessness could get a girl in trouble. Last thing I needed was a freak with a pee fetish to follow me home and string up hidden cameras while I was out reviving my Queen of Karaoke crown.

"Why Officer, I think you completely misunderstood me," I sipped my coffee and turned to him, offering the most enticing smile I could muster, "if you think one little ole pair of handcuffs is gonna hold me down then you're an amateur." With that, I plucked five bucks from my wallet and left it on the counter for Dawn.

"You're a killer," he smiled at me, a single dimple shining back as I made my way to the door.

"Then you should have made detective," I blew a kiss at no one in general, but kept my eyes on him, then turned and made my way through the door and back into the world.

Six in the morning. The sun was cresting over the city and life had begun anew. All the hungry executives and lawyers were busy climbing the ladder early that Saturday morning. I continued my so-called walk of shame, finding my sunglasses in the bottom of my purse before I'd reached the end of the block. I don't know where the glasses came from, but I'd found them in my purse almost six months ago. They weren't my style but they were expensive so I used them.

At home, the townhouse empty again but a mess otherwise, I started for the shower. My roommates had lives of their own but thought I should be their maid. The answering machine blinked with three messages. Two were for Tiffy and one for Darcy. They were week-old messages and I silently admonished them. When was the last time I'd saw them? I couldn't remember. But E! News blared from the television which meant Tiffy had just been home.

One hot shower and a clean pair of underwear later, I'd managed to reorganize the kitchen and living room. I'd leave the bathroom for one of them. I hated cleaning bathrooms. I sat down on the sofa, my big comfy robe wrapped around me, a bowl of oatmeal cooling on the arm of the couch. I switched the news to CNN and tried not to poke fun at Nancy Grace's accent. Sometimes I wanted to like her and other times I couldn't stand the sight of her.

Belly full, warm sun shining through the window, I couldn't help but get sleepy. I didn't want to go to bed at eight a.m. Badge's had a karaoke contest that night. The last one of the month was always for a fifty dollar gift card and a free drink. I needed to be rested for it, but even as the thought was finishing on my brain, I felt myself drifting in to the release of consciousness. Nancy Grace's southern accent would haunt my dreams, I was sure.


Eight o'clock drew near and I still hadn't seen or heard from my roommates. How many times had I invited them down to Badge's to hear me sing? I'd lost count, but maybe it was a good thing. Bad things happened to friends when they shared too much life together, and as it was I needed their help with the payment on the townhouse. I tossed the lash curler back into my makeup bag and reached for the mascara.

A new look tonight; blonde hair in soft curls down my back, tight, low rise jeans, a red blouse with gold bangles. Just the right amount of sexy and bad. I slid on Tiffy's new strappy Manolos and gave myself one more look in the mirror. She'd hate that I took her shoes without asking but if she ever came home I might have had the chance.

I pulled money from my purse before I left and slid the wad of bills into my bra-safest place to be before three-and scurried out the door. I had to be at Badge's in time to enter my name before the nine o'clock karaoke round.


The bar was packed, just like always on a Saturday night. Smoke filled the small space, dusty lighting beating down patterns of dust motes and nicotine swirls. Beer sloshed over mugs and bottles clanked as waitresses cleaned tables. As always, the men far outnumbered the women-well it hadn't always been that way, but once I found my groove at Badge's the women slowly stopped finding their way to the bar. Eh, who cared, meant I could be pickier anyways.

"Evie, you're back!" Badge said from his position at the door as bouncer. He was a retired police officer. I'm not sure anyone even knew what his real name was, but he'd been Badge from the moment I stepped foot inside the bar some months ago.

"You know I hate it when you guys call me that," I leaned in to give him a hug and heard him inhale the scent of my perfume.

"You love to hate us and you know it. Got a victim in mind for tonight's last call?" He elbowed me gently and made a show of gawking at the choices Badge's had to offer.

"Nope, go in with high hopes tonight. Keith or Carter, that guy from last night, was a dud. You're supposed to take better care of me than this," I laughed.

"Evie, I'd take you home in a minute and treat you like a queen but we both know you well enough to know you'd be insulted. And I think that guy's name was Carl, but I ain't seen him around here yet. There is someone who's been asking about ya. See that guy over by the sound system? That's Detective Dane Fisher. Said he saw you this morning and someone told him he could find you here," he waited for me to explain as if he thought I was in trouble for some crime.

"Just one of my many admirers. You put my name on the list. I'm gonna go make Detective D. a little jealous." I winked at Badge and then lost myself in a sea of people who all seemed to be getting drinks at the same time. Frank was behind the bar, along with Shelley. She didn't like me too much but Frank was nice enough. I stood in line for him but he sent one of the waitresses out with my drink. Jack Daniels. Love the burn and the extra shot of liquid courage, although anyone who knew me from the bar would tell you I didn't need it in the least.

A table of guys I'd seen in Badge's before, but had never paid any mind to, offered a seat at their table. Feeling Detective D.'s eyes on me, I made a show of accepting the seat. When one of the guys snuggled too close, a red haired man with wiry facial hair and pock marks on his cheeks, I tried to push away without being so obvious. The man was already buzzed though. Of course that meant he thought he was invincible or irresistible, or one of those "I" words.

"I think that means the lady wants hands off for now," his deep voice boomed over the noise of the crowd and clanking bottles, and CD music.

"Detective D., nice to see you again," I replied stupidly. The man wore jeans and a simple blue button up shirt. Probably something out of the pages of Old Navy or something like that, but it didn't look ridiculous on him. The way his butt filled out his jeans and how the shirt only hinted at the strong chest hidden beneath.

"Let's dance," he pulled me from the table and in a single motion, had me out on the dance floor with the other six couples who thought you could dance to Two Shots of Happy, One Shot of Sad and not look like a complete idiot. Detective D. just held me against him, barely moving his hips to the music, his feet planted like a petrified redwood.

"What are you doing?" he asked, a growl in his voice forming a disgusted grimace on his lips.

"What I do best until the karaoke contest starts. And what makes you think I need saving?" I felt the aggravation of attraction start to creep into the pit of my stomach. "I'm not a victim. I choose to have sex because I enjoy it. I'm not the happy little suburban housewife you're looking for."

He laughed at me, tossing his head back and letting a rumbling burst of laughter escape his mouth. "Who says I want a housewife? Why can't I just want to have a good time?" His face went dark but exceedingly handsome at the same time.

"You're a police officer. You have this whole façade of a good guy to put up. And I might be a slut but I don't get passed around a locker room like a porn star," I grimaced at him, feeling both disgusted and intrigued at the same time.

"I'm a Detective and my personal life is my personal life. Besides, I think one night with me and you'll start thinking the whole friends with benefits idea ain't so bad." He pulled me tight against him and pressed his lips against mine.

That kiss was unlike any I'd ever had before. The heat of his mouth, the feel of his tongue not even trying to part my lips, drove me insanely hot. His hands traveled down my hips, cupping at the curve of my ass so he could pull me even tighter against him. As if I couldn't already feel him hard against my belly. When his hands worked their way up my back and to my hair, fingers grasping at my skull as he moved my chin back to kiss at my neck, I heard the first honest to goodness pre-orgasm moan slip from my mouth that I think I'd ever experienced.

"Now imagine what I would do to you naked," he whispered, his voice barely a breath against my ear.

I could have given in to the desire right there. I even thought about taking him into the ladies room and finding a quiet stall in which to acquaint myself with him. But if I gave in to him, it'd go against every gut feeling that kept kicking at my ovaries to wake up and think. This man had just done what I swore no man would-he was seducing me. Anger flourished through me then, and I tore myself away from his kiss.

"Nice try, Detective D., but you aren't my type." I took three steps away and plucked my drink from the table of guys who were angry I'd been taken away but not angry enough to stand up to the man who'd done it. Pansies! I'd show them, though, and him too. He glared at me as I took my seat, running my hands over the knee of the dark haired man who'd taken the place of Pock Boy.

When was the last time I'd gone home with friends? I couldn't remember but it seemed the perfect night to pull the old fetish out of the bag.

"And now, to start the contest, Badge's very own wall-flower, Evie!" Badge's voice echoed over the speaker system. It almost seemed like he used it to play referee, to keep me from a flagrant foul. Cheers erupted through the bar. I downed the last sip of my drink and made my way to the microphone. The DJ was ready and waiting, my song queued on the little monitor I didn't need.

If I'd picked some song about hating a guy's guts then I would have glared at Detective D. the whole time I sang the song. As it was, I'd chosen an Aretha Franklin ballad about love that wasn't good for you. Definitely not the song I wanted to sing while making eye contact with him. I did, however, make googly eyes at my table of guys. Two of those lucky fellas would be taking me home for the night and I just prayed to god Detective D. stuck around long enough to watch me leave with them.