Friday, September 18, 2009

Chapter Three

Darcy Tucker

Rays of sunlight filtered through the window, kissing my face. Sighing I snuggled back into my fluffy pillows. Some luxuries were more than worth it. Rising from the bed I padded into the kitchen, my white nightdress kissing my ankles.

"Oof!" I cried, wincing in pain. I slapped my hand to my mouth as I lifted my foot off the floor. Looking down I saw the culprit of my injury.

"Rae," I moaned, leaning down to retrieve the forgotten roller blades. "You have your own room for a reason." I muttered, placing the blades by her closed door. Shaking my head I continued into the kitchen. After a miserable search of the fridge I settled on a sorry looking apple and a slice of toast. I suppose I'd have to go to the grocery store again. Honestly, what was the use of having roommates? 

Speaking of roommates, when was the last time I saw them? I thought back. Was Tiffy back from her shopping spree in New York? I thought I'd heard her last night, but now I wasn't sure. Rae was still out backpacking somewhere and God only knew who's bed Evie was waking in. 

Humming softly I shrugged my shoulders and made my way back to my room, munching on my apple. I had to finish my article for Distinguished Home tonight. But first, I needed a shower and to go to the grocery store. I stopped by my bedroom window and looked out. A light wind was swirling leaves and litter in an elegant dance down the street. 

I laughed for no reason, other than I felt like it, and spun in a circle, my long blond hair spinning around me. Dancing to my closet I selected a sweater of navy blue and a white skirt. Laying my choices on the bed I skipped to the shower, ready to begin my day. 

After jotting a note to the ladies to tell them where I would be, if anyone came home long enough to find it, I jogged down the stairs and out into the morning. The crisp Chicago wind snapped color into my cheeks as I strolled down the side walk. I loved walking. Lifting my head I breathed deeply, inhaling the sweet scent of fall. Snuggling deeper into my jacket I trotted along. 

"Whoo! Yeah baby! You can walk by here anytime!" 

I sighed and shook my head at the catcalls. I hated walking past the construction zone. I would be more than pleased when they were finished and had gone home. Heat stung my cheeks, searing my neck. Lowering my head I walked quickly toward the corner store. 

The relative warmth of the store was welcome after being outside. Smoothing my hair I smiled at the bag boy as I grabbed a basket and made my way down the aisles. 

"Let's see...Milk..Eggs...Bread..." I tapped my index finger against my lips as I slowly walked down the aisles, grabbing items seemingly at random. I sighed, wondering when the girls would all be under one roof again. I missed them. 

I missed watching that stupid show with Tiffy, or hearing about Evie's latest conquest, Rae's last adventure. I pouted as I selected a bottle of martini olives. Evie's favorite brand.

After about an hour I had enough essentials to get us through until my next shopping endeavor, and made my way up to the front to check out. 

"Hello, Miss Darcy, how are you today?" 

I smiled up at Mr. Sheppard, a grizzled old man with a heart of gold. He was going a little paunchy in the middle and balding on top, and yet you couldn't help but love the man. He treated everyone like family and I loved him for it. 

"I'm wonderful, Mr. Sheppard. And yourself?" 

"Doing well, doing well. You're roommates return yet?" He asked in his kindly voice as he began to ring up my purchases. 

"Not yet, soon I hope." I smiled at him once more, digging in my purse for my wallet. 

"It's not good for such a lovely young woman as yourself you be alone, Miss Darcy. Streets aren't safe anymore. Let Matthew walk you home, will you? Ease an old man's heart?" 

"Oh, I- Matthew?" I looked up, startled. Mr. Sheppard usually offered to walk me home himself, which I politely declined. I didn't know who William was. I could feel my heart racing, sweat trickling down my back. I gulped, trying to keep my smile in place and terror from my eyes. 

"Matthew!" Mr. Sheppard bellowed, making me jump. "Come here, boy!" He turned his faded blue eyes back to me. "Matthew's my grandson. Fresh out of college and working with me part time while he does his internship for Reynolds and Ryan. My boys out to be a lawyer." 

Mr. Sheppard beamed as a young man stepped up beside him. He was tall, and muscular, and I could feel heat searing my cheeks as I met his deep brown eyes with my own. His brown hair was shaggy, in need of a trim, and his smile stole my breath. 

"Uh..Hello." I squeaked. Hastily I yanked bills from my wallet and shoved them at Mr. Sheppard. 

"Thank you Mr. Sheppard, but I don't need anyone to walk me home. I appreciate it." I began grabbing bags, fumbling. I jumped when a hand came down on my shoulder. 

"There's no way you can carry all this by yourself, allow me to help you." A low rumble vibrated through my skin, turning my insides to mush. I looked up into his eyes and melted. 

"Okay." I sighed, breathlessly.

Matthew smiled at me and lifted the rest of my bags. He walked to the main doors and held them open for me. "After you." 

I walked out the door, more self conscious than ever. I could feel Mr. Sheppard grinning after me and tried not to fall on my face. Closing my eyes I took a deep breath and told myself I could do this. I could talk to a man. I could do this!

"So, you're going to be a lawyer?" 

"Uh, yeah. That's the plan, anyway." Matthew chuckled, looking down at me. At 5'6" I wasn't short, but standing next to Matthew I felt it.

"How tall are you?" I asked stupidly, instantly regretting speaking so out of turn. 

A long low laugh rewarded my question as he turned his eyes back to me. "I'm 6'2". 

We fell into a comfortable silence after that. I couldn't help looking at him. He was quite handsome. He had a strong jaw, and a sweet, honest face. I couldn't picture him as a lawyer. Maybe a doctor that went to Africa to help sick kids, that image seemed to fit him more. 

All too soon we were at the steps of the townhouse. I stopped and looked at him, fishing around in my brain for something to say. 

"Well, this is me." I said awkwardly, pointing to the house behind me.

"Nice place. My grandfather said you had roommates?" He inquired, looking up at the house, a small smile on his face as he set my groceries at my feet. 

"Yeah, we've been together since collage. They're great girls." I blushed as his eyes came back to mine, pinning me to the spot and halting my words. 

"Miss Darcy, would you...Would you like to have dinner with me?" 

I stared up at him, my mouth hanging open in shock. No one had ever asked me out before. I felt a blasted blush start to creep up my neck and fill my cheeks. I opened my mouth to speak but nothing came out. Closing my eyes I took a deep breath and tried again. 

"Matthew, I...I..." I looked into his expectant eyes and decided on a moment. Maybe Evie was rubbing off on me. "Yes. I would like that very much." 

His smile was brighter than the sunlight. 

"I'll pick you up tonight, then?"

I quickly rearranged my schedule in my head. It wasn't everyday a girl got asked out by an attractive man and I wanted to be sure I was ready. I could always do my article tomorrow. 

"Sure, that sounds good." 

"Okay, then! I'll see you tonight!" He leaned in and pressed a kiss to my forehead, shocking me to the spot. 

"Oh...Okay." I called weakly. Watching him jog back down the sidewalk. He was gorgeous from both sides. I blushed furiously at the thought, stooping down to gather the groceries. I felt like as a feather as I made my way upstairs and into the house. 

I dumped the bags on the counter and rushed out of the kitchen excitedly. 

"Rae! Evie!" I cried, looking around. "Tiffy?" I whispered, my excitement dying. The house was quiet. My note where I'd left it. I was home alone. Not wanting to give up, I grabbed the phone and began pushing buttons. 

"You've reached Evelyn Malkin. Please leave a message and I'll get back to you as soon as I can." Evie's voice purred at me, sweet as syrup. I sighed, clicked off the phone, then tried again. 

"Hey! If you wanted Rae Hansen you got her! If I don't know you then please, leave me the hell alone."
Pouting now, I dialed Tiffy's number, praying she'd answer. 

"Ohmygod! You've reached Tiffy Alstott! I'm out, shopping or having drinks with my friends! So like, leave me a message and I'll get backatchya! Later Bitches!"

I sighed and set the phone back down on the counter. I looked around the empty, pristine house. No one was ever home anymore. We were all so busy. Maybe I should get a dog, or a cat. 

Grabbing a bag of Multigrain Sunchips I walked over to the couch and plopped down. I flipped on the TV and started flipping through the channels. 

"Oh! Divine Design is on!" I squealed, snuggling into the couch and munching on chips. They had just gotten started on revamping a living room when my eyes started drooping. I yawned, struggled to keep my eyes open. Giving up, I pulled a blanket over me and fell asleep, dreaming over Matthew.

1 comment:

  1. The inspiration for the story...Darcy Tucker is a

    I love how sweet and innocent she is, but you can tell she is strong. I love the way you've written her. Sometimes it's like her thoughts are child-like, but you have a feeling she's not as naive as she looks.
